Hi everyone, it's Nutmeg and today I'm going to compare on of my favourite books with the movie of the book. I have loved reading Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson series since I was in year 4. It wasn't until I was year 6 to read Heroes of Olympus: The Lost Hero. Now that the Second Movie has come out I'm going to tell you what's wrong with it.
I'll start from the start.
In the book the sence is set in Percy's Nightmare where he sees his friend grover galloping while holding his shoes. In the background he could hear a growling nosie. Straight away he knows he is in Floridia. Grover hids in a Wedding dress shop but the monster finds him.
In the Movie the sence is set (after the intro) with demigods climbing on somesort of obsicale course. Percy is going up and is demermined to beat Clarrise to the top. Percy stops to help a camper and gets knocked down himself.
So far the movie is completly wrong. Percy is surpose to be at home sleeping.
Another of my favourite sences is the Luke in Camp Sence.
In the book Luke doesn't show up at camp at all. Percy doesn't see him until they are on the boat.
In the Movie Luke doen't show up telling Percy that some demigods have come over to his side. Luke then hints that Chiron doesn't tell him everything.
Another part that the movie is wrong is when Percy asks Chiron about the Great Prohcey
In the book Chiron tells him nothing expect that it will happen when he is sixteen.
In the Movie Chiron tells Percy a couple lines from the first book (from when he was first going to visit the ocrale).
The Prophecy is wrong in the first two line. The first line in the book is A Half-Blood of the eldest gods shall reach 16 against all odds.
Movie the first two lines a Half-blood of the eldest gods shall reach 20 agianst all Odds.
Tyson is everyone's favourite Cylcops but in the movie his background and personality is different.
In the Book Tyson lives in a cardborad box on 27th Ave. Tyson goes to school with Percy. He's Percy's BFF and Percy is his BFF. He appears childish and calls Chiron Pony and the pegai Chicken Ponies. He also calls his Hippocami, Rainbow.
In the Movie Tyson just walked through the Camp's Magical Barrier. he is seen in Mr D's Office where Chiron and Mr D are trying to figure out which Olympian sired him. Tyson all ready knows as a trident appeared above him and showed him the way to camp.
It's time to but to move onto the characters.
Selina Baugarud (I think i spelled it right) is known for leading the Ares Cabin into battle against a drakgon in the Last Oylmpain. She is also known as the Spy in Camp for Kronos but when her Boyfriend, Charle, Died when dystroying Luke's ship she didn't want to anymore.
In the movie is Selina is seen on Luke's ship along with Chirs someone I can't think of the name. I think that they shouldn't have done that as Selina plays an important role in the story line.
While I'm talking about Luke's boat...
In the book it is actually a Curise Ship with humans onboard while in the movie it's a yaout (I thinks that's right).
Ufourtunly I didn't see the whole movie on you tube. They removed the one I was watching. If you know where i can watch it please tell me.
Happy 2014 everyone :) finally I can say this year !
Nutmeg Out (Y)
p.s. For those who play on club penguin, Cp has realesed a Adiuo Mash Up of all their songs this year. I video comes out later today early tomorrow in NZ
follow the link to this song. It's called Best of 2013 Mashup
Olympus to preserve or raze
Tuesday, 31 December 2013
Tuesday, 24 December 2013
Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year
Hi everyone, Nutmeg here. I just want to wish you a Merry Christmas from everyone from M'n'M and Nutmeg's World. Altough it may be the end of 2013 it's time to look forward to 2014! LEAVE ALL BAD THINGS IN 2013 PLEASE :P Hope you loved all your christmas gifts (even the ones you don't like or don't want) don't forget to make your New Year's revaulation. Mine are:
- Keep my room tidy for a year (that's $52 in my back pocket)
- Slow down when reading (I keep running out of books)
- Win the BOP Lit Quiz again (if we enter)
- Win the National Lit Quiz (if we enter the BOP Lit Quiz)
- Make time for homework
- get higher marks on my asstle test
- focus on my writing
- try to improve my spelling although No one cared about spelling when I was younger so I thourght that I was spelling everything right.
- Get a best friend that Won't change schools, and will go to collage with me (no offence M'n'M, your still my best friend)
- Try to keep in contact with Princess (a BFF that mostly likey isn't going to intermediate next year)
- cut down on You Tube useage
I've got heaps more but I won't bore you
From everyone on the M'n'M and Nutmeg's World Team Merry Christmas and have a happy New Year!
Nutmeg (Y) :P
Friday, 20 December 2013
Winx Club episodes 4&5 aired on the 15th. In these two new episodes we see the transformation - Bloomix!
Flora is the first to gain Bloomix. She earned by saving her little sister. Sound familar?
The song sounds dreadful! well that's what I think. I love the clothes/outfits that they wear. The hair is another matter all together. Bloom, Stella and Tecna have the best hairdos. Musa's bun ruins her look and Aisha in pigtails! that's way to girl for Aisha. Flora's hairdo is average but that's want you would expect from the fairy of nature.
Flora is the first to gain Bloomix. She earned by saving her little sister. Sound familar?
The song sounds dreadful! well that's what I think. I love the clothes/outfits that they wear. The hair is another matter all together. Bloom, Stella and Tecna have the best hairdos. Musa's bun ruins her look and Aisha in pigtails! that's way to girl for Aisha. Flora's hairdo is average but that's want you would expect from the fairy of nature.
Saturday, 14 December 2013
Nutmeg has a Site
To start this post off I would like to introduce Nutmeg's Site. Nutmeg's Site will have the same random stuff but in a more orderly fashion. Nutmeg will have Winx Club, Club Penguin and other stuff (like cookies, cupcakes and Chocolate :)
follow this link to Nutmeg's Site.
Nutmeg Out (Y)
follow this link to Nutmeg's Site.
Nutmeg Out (Y)
School's Over
Hi there this is the first post of the school holidays. The big day is coming in 10 sleeps and I can't wait! but then again I can't really wait for anything. For those who are think are you thinking and school holidays?
Well Here's a hint December and New Zealand. Other things to look to: Winx Club Season 6 Episode 4 is coming out TODAY! (15th). I can't wait because Bloomix is here. Unfortunly it won't come out in New Zealand until later :( follow these links to a game on the new transformation (Everyone expect Bloom has Bloomix) and the Winx Wiki Page for episode 4 :)
Season 6 Episode 4 Winx Wiki page
Bloomix Battle
I can't wait for this episode. Again this is going to be another hour long episode like episodes 2-3. I believe that most episodes will be a hour long.
Most people tourght that this episode would come out on the 1st of December but it didn't. This episode took longer because the people creating it have to
Well Here's a hint December and New Zealand. Other things to look to: Winx Club Season 6 Episode 4 is coming out TODAY! (15th). I can't wait because Bloomix is here. Unfortunly it won't come out in New Zealand until later :( follow these links to a game on the new transformation (Everyone expect Bloom has Bloomix) and the Winx Wiki Page for episode 4 :)
Season 6 Episode 4 Winx Wiki page
Bloomix Battle
I can't wait for this episode. Again this is going to be another hour long episode like episodes 2-3. I believe that most episodes will be a hour long.
Most people tourght that this episode would come out on the 1st of December but it didn't. This episode took longer because the people creating it have to
- make the transforming song for Bloomix. (Flora gains hers in this episode)
- make Flora's transforming sequence.
- as well as the usual stuff
Nutmeg out (Y)
Wednesday, 4 December 2013
Winx Club Season 6 Transformation
It's offical! the first transformation of Season 6 is Bloomix. Looks like they will recive it the next episode.
Here's a video preveiw of the season. Dispros is Back. Hope you enjoy. I can't wait to see the other planets' schools!
Nutmeg out!(Y)
Here's a video preveiw of the season. Dispros is Back. Hope you enjoy. I can't wait to see the other planets' schools!
I also found this picture of Musa's Bloomix
Saturday, 23 November 2013
Winx Club Season 6 Episode 1-3
So for those who haven't seen Season 6 yet you're in the right place. So far we know from the trailer there is going to be 2 new transformations like Season 5. The second one will also be in 3D as well as 2D. There is a new witch (Selina) and the Trix are back as the main villians (Finally! The closest they came to ruling the world was when they wroked by themsevles and when they were working for Tritainus). The Trix also have a new outfit. Daphne becaomes one of the group. Alfea might have school uniforms like Red Fountain. Bloom has a pink Dragon Flame instead of an orange one. The first transformation of the season the girls have is simlier to each others. Harmonix and Sirenix are the only transformations so far that the Winx have simlier Outfits. The specialist have new Uniforms and there are red ones as well.
From Season 6's Theme Song you kind of see the same thing expect that Daphne has her Sirenix.
Episode 1 is all about Daphne's Cermony thing and she uses her Sirenix for the first time. Episode 2, Winx Club are back at Alfea and Daphne is the new History of Magic Teacher. Stella gives the Winx new outfits. Tecna gets a call from Timmy asking the Winx to come to Lenphea, Flora's home world. We see Melie for the first time since season 3 and we see her Magic Winx/ Charmix. Episode 3 carries on from where episode 2 left off. The Winx lose all their powers expect for Bloom. Bloom shares her Dragon Flame with the others.
It's time for unanswered questions.
Why didn't Melie go to Alfea like Flora?
Sunday, 17 November 2013
Winx Club Characters - How they have change through the seasons
Well Winx Club Season 6 is off to a good start. Dahnpe is the History of Magic Teacher, We've met Melie after three years(winx club years, we met her in season 3 when Flora got her Enchantix) , Dahnpe has her Sirenix, Flora, Stella, Musa, Aisha and Tecna have lost their powers and Bloom has given them some of her dragon flame. But that is not what I'm going to tell you about how Bloom, Flora, Stella, Musa, Aisha and Tecna have changed through the seasons
I'll start with my favourtie character, Bloom! When we first met Bloom back in Season 1 she wasn't confindent or had much leadership or was popular. She was always teased by Mitzi. In Season 2 she gained more confidence and a little popularity. She wasn't teased like she had been before she came to Alfea. Season 3 was were Bloom really bloomed. She was pushed into the leadership role of the Winx Club. Winx Club gained popurlatity as all the members are the youngest ever to get Enchantix. Season 4 is to me kind of repeated. It's Wizards attacked, Winx fight back, Roxy kepts hiding and wishing she wasn't a fairy. It was boring until the last 7 or so episodes it got intersting but Bloom was more cofindent and better as a leader in this series. Season 5 is defentltiy the best season yet. Bloom has pretty much no problems expect for love problems with Sky. Bloom is also less head strong. Season 6 well who knows we don't know much about Season 6 or even what the transformation names are yet! well we might know more on December 1st
Flora had one of the worst bad qualityies to me. She called everyone Sweetie or Dear. She was to gentle. In season 1 she was probably one of lest liked characters (no offence Flora Lovers). She was a underdog, she perfered to stay in the shadows. Season 2 we met Helia. Flora was head over heels for him! but she didn't have the curage to tell him. If it wasn't for Chatta then I'm not sure if Flora and Helia would ever get together. Season 3 she was more confident and she was stronger. She still would die for her love ones as shown in Episode 12 - The Black Willow's Tears when her sister Melie fell into the poisened river. Season 4 she was more stlyish and stopped calling everyone Sweetie or Dear (expect for the times she called the fairy pets poor dears). Season 5 Flora was more confident and dressed better. She even got Jeleous!!!! but hey Crystial was taking Helia!!! Alought she still is crazy over plants she is now one of most loved characters
Stella is one of the most out going of the Winx. This is why I like her so much. In Season 1 and 2 she was really childerlish and always thought about herself and no one else. Stella loved her clothes so much that she practuraly fell in love with them! Season 3 showed Stella as more caring and less Childerlish as she was. Insteaded of just think about herself she thought about others (alougth at the end of Season 2 she starts to be more caring) Season 4 Stella had gotten over her childerish behaver. She designed clothes and Asseceries for the Fairy Pets. She even wanted to get dirty! Season 5 Stella wanted to be a fashion designer. Stella has gotten over being the most beautiful (though everyone knows that she is expect for Bloom) and started making others beautiful.
Musa was a tomboy. She rather have music to comfet herself instead of friends. Musa has always done the most dangerous stuff. Season 1 she was the most boyish person and didn't really have many friends. Season 2 she concetted to Aisha better than anyone as her life was simlier. Season 3 she grew longer hair and became more girly. Season 4 she becomes a super star and wants to share her music with everone unlike before. Season 5 Musa was finally left the toyboy we knew behind and became the person we know now. As a Sirenix Fairy she was more confident.
Aisha to me has been the most changed. When we first met her back in Season 2 she kept everything to herself. She didn't want to have friends as she wasn't good at making friends. Aisha did the most dangerous things and was out going. She was more of a tomboy than Musa. In Season 3 she became more senstive. She shared more things and let the Winx help her save her home world Andros. Season 4 she became more of a girl. She let everyone in on her secret. She was going to get married to Nabu (Well they were at first had a ranged marrage) until he gave his life to stop the Wizards of The Black Circle. Season 5 she became less boyish and more open. She stopped doing dangerous things and doing things againist the rules
Tecna, where to start? Season 1 she was pretty much a robot as she didn't show much emotion. Season 2 she showed some emotion by crying. This is how she earned her charmix. Season 3 she showed even more emotion. Season 4 she stopped wearing ugly clothes and showed more emotion. She even stopped talking like a nerd. Season 5 is where the magic happens. Tecna and Timmy go on a real date. Tecna is more open. Over the seasons Tecna has changed the most.
Well there you go. If you think I've left anything out please comment
I'll start with my favourtie character, Bloom! When we first met Bloom back in Season 1 she wasn't confindent or had much leadership or was popular. She was always teased by Mitzi. In Season 2 she gained more confidence and a little popularity. She wasn't teased like she had been before she came to Alfea. Season 3 was were Bloom really bloomed. She was pushed into the leadership role of the Winx Club. Winx Club gained popurlatity as all the members are the youngest ever to get Enchantix. Season 4 is to me kind of repeated. It's Wizards attacked, Winx fight back, Roxy kepts hiding and wishing she wasn't a fairy. It was boring until the last 7 or so episodes it got intersting but Bloom was more cofindent and better as a leader in this series. Season 5 is defentltiy the best season yet. Bloom has pretty much no problems expect for love problems with Sky. Bloom is also less head strong. Season 6 well who knows we don't know much about Season 6 or even what the transformation names are yet! well we might know more on December 1st
Flora had one of the worst bad qualityies to me. She called everyone Sweetie or Dear. She was to gentle. In season 1 she was probably one of lest liked characters (no offence Flora Lovers). She was a underdog, she perfered to stay in the shadows. Season 2 we met Helia. Flora was head over heels for him! but she didn't have the curage to tell him. If it wasn't for Chatta then I'm not sure if Flora and Helia would ever get together. Season 3 she was more confident and she was stronger. She still would die for her love ones as shown in Episode 12 - The Black Willow's Tears when her sister Melie fell into the poisened river. Season 4 she was more stlyish and stopped calling everyone Sweetie or Dear (expect for the times she called the fairy pets poor dears). Season 5 Flora was more confident and dressed better. She even got Jeleous!!!! but hey Crystial was taking Helia!!! Alought she still is crazy over plants she is now one of most loved characters
Aisha to me has been the most changed. When we first met her back in Season 2 she kept everything to herself. She didn't want to have friends as she wasn't good at making friends. Aisha did the most dangerous things and was out going. She was more of a tomboy than Musa. In Season 3 she became more senstive. She shared more things and let the Winx help her save her home world Andros. Season 4 she became more of a girl. She let everyone in on her secret. She was going to get married to Nabu (Well they were at first had a ranged marrage) until he gave his life to stop the Wizards of The Black Circle. Season 5 she became less boyish and more open. She stopped doing dangerous things and doing things againist the rules
Tecna, where to start? Season 1 she was pretty much a robot as she didn't show much emotion. Season 2 she showed some emotion by crying. This is how she earned her charmix. Season 3 she showed even more emotion. Season 4 she stopped wearing ugly clothes and showed more emotion. She even stopped talking like a nerd. Season 5 is where the magic happens. Tecna and Timmy go on a real date. Tecna is more open. Over the seasons Tecna has changed the most.
Well there you go. If you think I've left anything out please comment
Friday, 1 November 2013
Nutmeg's Little Lamb
Well M'n'M has posted a picture and a couple lines about her cat Snoppy. I'm going to show you my little lamb Bloom
Isn't she a cutey?
Saturday, 26 October 2013
Heroes Of Olympus
Now percyabeth fans have to wait 1 more book for the final instalement of Heroes of Olympus! but with House of Hades being realsed just 1 week and 1 day in the US we still have to wait a whole year! so to celerbrate House of Hades I(Nutmeg) have made a video for you so you can think about the prohcey and what I think will happen. For those Team Leo's(Including myself) have a reason to be sad and for those Octivan Haters(Including myself) a shock(not really but really it is strange) and for the Jason and Piper lovers a chilfhanger. Post a coment if you like my ideas and the reason and what you think will happen. So sit back and enjoy the video. Oh and don't forget Hazel and Frank!!!
Thursday, 10 October 2013
Winx Club
Many people love winx club and I know I do but i'm not so sure about M'n'M. As many people know season 6 episode 1 has just come out and Winx Club Fans are getting exicted for Episode 2! but on everyone's minds is the name of the transformation for season 6
here's some pics
this picture is taken from the theme song. The person circled in red is Daphne, Bloom's older sister who gets back her pysical body after being curse by the Ancestal witches who destroy her home planet.
these are close ups of the new transformation which are shown in both the traler and the theme song.
here's some pics

here's what Winx Wiki have to say about Seaspn 6
"A new witch named Selina joins Cloud Tower. She owns an evil book called Legendarium and through it she is able to make legends come true. The Trix take over Cloud Tower and makes it fly, then order Selina to summon legendary creatures out of the Legendarium and unleash them against the magical schools. Bloom leads the Winxagainst the witches, but the Winx accidentally lose their powers: will the Winx manage to get their fairy powers back and save the schools of the Magic Dimension, threatened by the legendary creatures? Comedy, action, friendship, romance, in a new exciting adventure for the Winx Club fans... and everyone else!"
here's the link: http://winx.wikia.com/wiki/Season_6
Possiable names for new transformation
- Cyberix
- Flytrix
- Bloomix
- Gemmix
- Sparklix
- Dimentix
these names are from fan arts but it is rurmered that it will Cyberix.
I do not have picture to show it but if you know Bloom really well you know that when she transforms sometimes(depending on what form) the Dragon Flame surounds her. The Dragon Flame is organge but this time the Dragon Flame pink!
How to have the best sleepover ever!
This Blog was created when M'n'M and Nutmeg had a sleepover so we thourght that we would share some tips on how to have the best sleepover ever!
- Make your room slibbing and parent free by closing your door and puting up a BIG sign. Also ask them to keep away
- Make sure you have Lollies, Cookies and other sweets for a midnight snack or when ever you feel peekish
- Chose a movie. Nutmeg personally sudgests Winx club: Secret of the Lost Kingdom, H2o Just add water Season 3, Barbie Princess Charm School and Barbie and the Diamond Castle. Make sure if you can use the TV becuase the computer and the laptop might be free.
- Have fun. This tip pretty much sums it all up
- Try and stay up. See if you can beat 5:00am :)
Sunday, 6 October 2013
Why Nutmeg thinks that H2o Just Add Water is better than Mako Mermaids
H2o Just Add water is a 3 season program(some people think that season three was wrapped up to quickly because they wanted to get one with Mako Mermaids, so they think that there is going to be season 4) all about three girls called Emma,Cleo and Rikki who get transformed into mermaids when they come into contact with water. Season 1 is about how they deal with it and defeat Dr. Deman from 'Stealing' Lewis from Cleo and Locking the girls up in tanks to experement on them. Season 2 they gain new powers and meet a new girl called Charottle, Who is the granddaughter of gracie one of the origanal mermaids. She gains powers but losers them and her tail later on in the series. Season 3 has a twist in the tale! Emma and her Family have gone traveling around the world while Cleo and Rikki are starting their final year at school. As they walk along the beach they see a group of boy anoyning a girl. They use their mermaid powers to stop them. Later on Zane brings Rikki to the Jucie Net Cafe which Zane had brought. He transforms it and it's name is Rikki's. The opening night is on a full moon. Cleo says that they should go becuase of the full moon. At Rikki's you could hear a terrbale nosie of Nate's singing. His drummer quits so Cleo makes Lewis join as the drummer and the girl from the beach says she will sing. But when water attacks Cleo, she and Rikki head outside to talk. The girl,who's name is bella asks if anything magical is happen, Cleo and Rikki say no when a water tentacle captures Rikki, revalling that she's a mermaid infront of Bella. Cleo jumps into the water and Bella Follows. They save Rikki. Bella,Rikki and Cleo form a frendship. They were making a 4th series but they stopped to make mako mermaids or as we put it mayo mermaids!
Mako Mermaids is currently a 1 season program that is playing on TV 2 4:00pm every week day. This program is about 3 meriads called, Nixie, Serna and Lyla who have to leave their pod because they let a land boy into the moon pool on the full moon. Aquta, Serna's big sister gives Serna her moon ring, which they use to make them look like land girls. They have to find the boy(who's name is Zak) and get rid of his powers. At Zak's school, his princepal is a mermaid who had to leave her pod becuase she loved a land boy. When she finds out that the 3 girls are mermaids and have found out her secret she takes care of them and teches them important mermaid skills. Zak finds out that there is a trident in a sort of safe. One full moon he gets and tricks the girls. He then finds Rita's Mermaid 'hideout'. Cam is the only non mermaid/man to know about Zak's, the Girls and Rita's Secert.
Mako Mermaids is currently a 1 season program that is playing on TV 2 4:00pm every week day. This program is about 3 meriads called, Nixie, Serna and Lyla who have to leave their pod because they let a land boy into the moon pool on the full moon. Aquta, Serna's big sister gives Serna her moon ring, which they use to make them look like land girls. They have to find the boy(who's name is Zak) and get rid of his powers. At Zak's school, his princepal is a mermaid who had to leave her pod becuase she loved a land boy. When she finds out that the 3 girls are mermaids and have found out her secret she takes care of them and teches them important mermaid skills. Zak finds out that there is a trident in a sort of safe. One full moon he gets and tricks the girls. He then finds Rita's Mermaid 'hideout'. Cam is the only non mermaid/man to know about Zak's, the Girls and Rita's Secert.
Teen beach movie
Howrse Tips
To get a horn of plenty on howrse without using a pass you can....
-Catch a ufo and hope it has a horn of plenty in it. (we will tell you how to catch a ufo)
- OR stroke a divine horse named Xanthos on the hour (e.g. 1:00 2:00 you know what we mean!)
How to catch a UFO on howrse.....
A UFO is an undentified flying object. On howrse UFO's are items such as aging points and other items you can get on howrse that fly around on your page. If you can click on these items you revice them. In rare ocassions you will sometimes find that the item is a Black Market item like a Black Orchid.
The Divine Horse Xanthos.
-Catch a ufo and hope it has a horn of plenty in it. (we will tell you how to catch a ufo)
- OR stroke a divine horse named Xanthos on the hour (e.g. 1:00 2:00 you know what we mean!)
How to catch a UFO on howrse.....
A UFO is an undentified flying object. On howrse UFO's are items such as aging points and other items you can get on howrse that fly around on your page. If you can click on these items you revice them. In rare ocassions you will sometimes find that the item is a Black Market item like a Black Orchid.
The Divine Horse Xanthos.
Saturday, 5 October 2013
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