Thursday, 6 March 2014

New Author

Hey everyone Nutmeg here! :) So incase you haven't heard M'n'M has left but will still be posting from time to time. I was thinking about one of my other friends could join the M'n'M and Nutmeg's World Team. After a looooong time discuss who should be the new co-author of our blog I have decided on my firend, Apple. Apple loves Video Games and she's a really good artist. She is doing a top ten of... I think it's pokemon which I'll post on here.

It's is pokemon


Hey everyone, it's Nutmeg here! and I'm going to show you around our new system. Okay first thing: Youtube Videos. Now when I tried to get the first video diary I couldn't find it when I was putting it in. So I got the link and got this picture of a cupcake (I couldn't find any cookies:( )

Now I won't include the picture here. Unless it is a video uploaded by me (nutmeg) then I will put the cupcake.

Links: Now they are highlighted in white so you can see them. I'll try to do the other posts.

That's all now.
Nutmeg :P
Give Me The Cookie (Word of the day)

PS here's the tralier for my book series

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Any Ideas...

Hey everyone I'm curently in a meeting with the team (just myself :P) and I have decided to create a email address which you can email in any ideas you have, sudgestions for any books you want me to reveiw and if you have any quries. The email address is: please give me ideas. Feel free to flick us an email. For those who have youtube accounts and want to subscribe to our channel follow this link or click the cupcake. For videos I will put the link and all you have to do is click on the cupcake.


Hi everyone! Nutmeg here and this may be my second to last post of the school holidays :( Hope you have had a great holiday. Here's what I did:

I went to the beach ealrier this week. Now I've got a sunburn on my face (it was uncomfitable for the first couple of days - mum didn't bring the cream). The waves were big and I loved them :) Club Penguin's Preostoric Party is on so I advise you to jump of becuase you have until Feb the 4th to do so (save the dino puffles - they won't be able to collect them after the party:( ). I'm going to a party with some friends tonight :) bring on the popcorn. I also walked though an old railway tunnel. So that's what I did.

Nutmeg :)
ps Sorry that this post is late: School

Monday, 3 March 2014